Our staffs

We are the best and we want the best.

Your career with TKL

Successful together

TKL Group sees itself as medium-sized, owner-managed service provider. One of the owners’ key goals is to secure and create jobs.

We are highly specialized in a niche sector and have to be the best in our field. To achieve this objective, we also need the best team. TKL is a performance-oriented company and a fair employer.

„I appreciate having so many different and interesting functions.“

Josef Walek

„A small gearwheel in a big clockwork – that’s what I perceive myself in our company. It takes the perfect interplay of all components to achieve exactly the aspired objective. That makes me feel like being an integral and important part of one big entity.“

Sonja Vymlatil
Materials Management Team Leader

„In the first place, I enjoy my job as such. Plus, I like the high level of autonomy and the confidence that is placed in me! Moreover, it is important for me to reconcile work and family life, which my flexible working hours allow for. And the great teamwork is an extra benefit!“

Johannes Matzka
IT Infrastructure team

„I most of all enjoy independent working and the flexible working hours.“

Michaela Walek
Materials Management team

„The pleasant working atmosphere and the versatile functions thrill me! I keep learning all the time.“

Sandra Neubauer
Customer Service team

„Das Disponieren der Transporte finde ich sehr spannend und abwechslungsreich. Improvisationsgeschick und Flexibilität sind hier gefragt!“

Alexander Benedetter

„We are happy that our entire family works for ONE company. We all appreciate our functions and the good working atmosphere. We are absolutely confident to still be part of this company tomorrow!“

The Walek Family
Ibrahim Uensoy
Michael Polder

„Als Speditionskaufmann-Lehrling lerne ich den gesamten Ablauf des nationalen und  internationalen Transportes kennen. Durch den kollegialen Umgang miteinander, fühle ich mich sehr wohl und gut aufgehoben!“

Nico Varga

„It motivates me to know I’m doing something useful that helps other people.“

Manuel Walek
Roman Cernak
Thomas Kussegg

„Für mich bedeutet Customer Service viel mehr als nur tägliche Arbeit. Unser Team gibt stets das Beste für unsere Kunden. Ich freue mich, wenn wir es neben unserem hohen Grad an Standardservices auch noch schaffen, individuelle Kundenwünsche umzusetzen.“

Ulrike Koelbl
Gruppenleiterin Customer Service